L'unica sicurezza che abbiamo oggi è che i Guns'n'Roses il prossimo 14 aprile 2012 entreranno nella prestigiosa Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Museum a Cleveland, Ohio.
In seguito a questa notizia si è scatenato l'inferno dei
media e non, sull'eventuale reunion in formazione originale per la speciale occasione. Ma ovviamente si è creata una confusione, con smentite, speranze e chi più ne ha più ne metta.
Arriviamo ad oggi quando il bassista e co/fodatore della band Duff McKagan, ha dichiarato a RollingStone.com di non avere idea se la band si esibirà o meno in formazione originale durante la cerimonia della Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.
Ecco uno stralcio dell'intervista in originale così non ci sono dubbi:
You're going to Cleveland next month for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Do you know what's going to happen?
I don't. I know I'm going to go. I can't, at all, speak for anybody else. And won't. I'll be there with bells on. Is the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame that important to me? No. Is it something I've aspired towards? No. It's not sports. You get into the Baseball Hall of Fame, that's bad ass. But that's a competitive sport. You have stats. Look, we were a good band – but there were a lot of good bands. A lot of people liked our band, eventually. And that's kick ass.
What I found out when we got nominated is that there's just a shit ton of fans around the world who are really psyched. In that case, it's more about them and the people that believed in us and bought our records and came and saw us. Imagine that? All those people believing in our band – a thing we created out of thin air. That part of it is an honor. The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as an institution? I really don't know much about it.
Do you hope the band is going to reunite and play?
I think it would be killer. Do I hope to? That's a tricky question. It would be awesome. You have those day dreams like, "We'll go up and play 'Nightrain' and 'Brownstone' and throw down the microphone and drop off! That'll be killer!' But I doubt that'll happen.
There's been no communication about anyone playing. There was probably a day in the mid-1990s where I would have tried to gather the troops, but I'm just not that guy anymore. It's too frustrating to change anyone else…I'm not even sure I'd want to change how anyone else sees a situation. But I'm going.
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